Being overweight or obese is a common problem across Germany. According to statistics by the German Obesity Society, around 60% of adults are overweight, with a quarter of German adults affected by obesity. This concern mainly stemmed from changing living conditions, with more people consuming high-calorie food and beverages in excess while remaining sedentary in work, and leisure pursuits. The recent pandemic has only exacerbated this problem, with every third of adults reporting unhealthy weight gain.

With increased weight comes greater health consequences. The German Obesity Society highlights how people with obesity have shorter lives and increased risk for type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and at least 13 different types of cancer compared to people with normal weight. Given these health issues, it’s critical that Germans take action to address weight gain.

However, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can sometimes be difficult to squeeze in new healthy habits like exercise. But you don’t have to do anything radical to lose weight or change your full schedule. Here are four weight loss strategies for busy adults:

Avoid drinking your calories

When given the opportunity, it’s best to eat your calories rather than drink them. Some high-calorie drinks you should avoid include coffee mixes, smoothies, alcohol, and sports drinks. These drinks don’t typically leave you satiated, leading to you consuming more calories later on. Even “healthier” drinks like fruit juice and protein shakes can be loaded with calories and sugar, which hinders weight loss progress. While it’s fine to drink them occasionally, it’s better to opt for water or unsweetened coffee and tea instead.

Add variety to your food

When you’re busy, it can be easy to eat the same meals repeatedly. However, if you’re not mindful of what you eat, you may not receive the best nutrients for weight loss. To help you eat more nutritiously, it helps to have a diet plan ahead each week. When preparing an ernährungsplan abnehmen, choose from a wide selection of food groups. No food can provide all nutrients, so mixing potatoes, vegetables, fruit, and meat can make a big difference. To prepare, calendar apps, planning tools, and mobile applications can keep track of your favourite recipes and foods so you can decide what ingredients to buy beforehand and cook without wasting time.

Stay on the move

While having dedicated time to exercise is ideal, being able to integrate more movement in an otherwise inactive lifestyle is significant progress. In fact, sedentary people can reduce their risk of disease with light-intensity movement, such as walking or casually biking. To add more physical activity throughout your day, it’s good to walk more steps than you usually would, such as taking the stairs instead of the lift or parking your car further away. This encourages your body to increase your heart rate, which in turn helps you use more energy and burn calories.

Consult a professional

If you’re still struggling with weight loss even after following the aforementioned tips, it may be time to see a professional. A medical professional can help identify underlying medical conditions that interfere with weight loss, allowing you to take the right action to lose weight healthily. Having a busy schedule can make it difficult to have proper checkups, but digital health services can make these processes easier and quicker. You can get online prescription orders and online appointments without leaving your home, making it all the more convenient to have medical support. Working with a doctor or dietician may take a few weeks or months, so meeting them digitally can make it easier to stay on track with your appointments.

It can be tricky to accommodate new healthy habits when you’re busy, but weight loss strategies don’t have to take a chunk out of your schedule. As long as you employ these aforementioned tips and consistently use them, you can ensure you lose some pounds, even as a busy adult.